Our steers are 100% grass fed and finished. From April to November our herd is rotated between 8 pastures that are planted with custom pasture mix specially formulated for 100% grass fed steers.
It takes much more time and expense to raise 100% grass fed and finished beef to “finishing” weight (24-28 months) compared to cows raised in a feed lot (13-14 months).
Our steers are harvested right here on the farm. We believe this to be the best for the animal, and for you in the quality of the meat.
Meat Masters Mobile Harvest LLC is our preferred on-farm harvest provider. We encourage you to visit their website to learn more. https://www.meatmasters.us/
After the steer is harvested, it is placed in a refrigerated truck, to be taken to our preferred processor, Mountain Man LLC. We also encourage you to visit their website to learn more about what they have to offer. https://www.mountainmanllc.com/